Teacher Preparation Partners


CTR LogoCapital Teaching Residency

The Capital Teaching Residency (CTR) is an alternative teacher certification program managed by the KIPP DC charter school network. Participants commit to teaching in D.C. for a minimum of three years. Residents spend the first year of this commitment — their residency year — training in a classroom with a highly effective mentor teacher at KIPP DC or E.L. Haynes public charter school. Flamboyan has partnered with CTR to train residents in effective family engagement strategies since the 2014-2015 school year.



TFA LogoTeach for America

Teach for America (TFA) is a two-year alternative teacher certification program that recruits, develops, and mobilizes diverse individuals to become teachers in low-income communities across the country. DC participants — called corps members — receive pre-service training during the summer prior to entering the classroom and a one-year certification program carried out by TNTP Academy.

Flamboyan has partnered with TFA since 2010 in a variety of ways. In 2010-11, Flamboyan offered a fellowship to learn with second-year corps members with a passion for family engagement. Since then, Flamboyan has provided family engagement training as part of the preparation all first-year corps members receive.

Since 2014, Flamboyan has also partnered with TFA to offer the TFA Family Engagement Leadership Fellowship for D.C.-based early childhood, elementary, and secondary teachers who have completed their two-year TFA commitment. The year-long program is comprised of regular sessions where fellows meet to learn research-based family engagement best practices, reflect on their family engagement strategies, and develop innovative ways of increasing the quality and equity of their family engagement work.

Finally, Flamboyan trains TFA trainers to include family engagement as part of the pre-service training for all regional corps members every summer in Philadelphia, PA.



TNTP Teaching Fellows LogoThe New Teacher Project (TNTP) Teaching Fellows

TNTP Teaching Fellows is a rigorous alternative teacher certification program that recruits and trains talented career changers and recent college graduates to be outstanding teachers in high-need schools across the country. DC Teaching Fellows receive intensive training through TNTP Academy — which provides eight weeks of pre-service training and a year of licensure coursework. Flamboyan has partnered with TNTP since the 2013-2014 school year and carries out regular family engagement training sessions for DC Teaching Fellows throughout participants’ first year.



Urban Teachers LogoUrban Teachers

Urban Teachers (UT) is an alternative teacher certification program that offers high-need schools in Baltimore, MD and Washington, D.C. with a supply of effective teachers. Participants commit to a four-year teacher preparation program that includes a residency year and three fellowship years teaching full time in a high-need urban school. Flamboyan has partnered with UT in D.C. since the 2012-2013 school year, when it trained the first cohort of UT residents and fellows in effective family engagement practices.