Principal Preparation Partners


DCPS MJ Patterson Fellowship Logo

Mary Jane Patterson Fellowship

Flamboyan has partnered with the DCPS’ Office of Family and Public Engagement (OFPE) since 2013 to facilitate family engagement training for aspiring school leaders through the Mary Jane Patterson Fellowship (MJP) — an 18-month DCPS program that prepares talented DCPS employees to become principals. Flamboyan and OFPE jointly facilitate a five-session learning experience for the Patterson Fellows where they learn practical strategies for leading family engagement in their schools.


New Leaders Logo

New Leaders

New Leaders is a national nonprofit that develops transformational school leaders and designs effective leadership policies and practices for school systems across the country. Flamboyan has partnered with New Leaders since 2010 to train their aspiring principals in D.C. and help them integrate effective family engagement into their school leadership development framework and curricula.