Flamboyan Foundation is pleased to announce the launch of its National Family Engagement Fellowship. Public school districts, charter operator networks, non-profit organizations, and informally organized individuals are invited to submit an application to participate in the inaugural Fellowship.
The Fellowship seeks to facilitate the creation of organizations and/or programs in diverse localities across the United States that support educators to partner with families to positively impact student success. Any organization or group of individuals that wishes to develop an organization or program focused on building a sustainable practice where families and educators partner meaningfully with one another to improve outcomes for children is encouraged to apply.
Fellows will participate in a professional learning community with colleagues from around the country to learn, collaborate and develop organizational blueprints focused on family engagement. Flamboyan Foundation will provide fellows with exposure to family engagement practice, thought partnership and technical assistance. Through the Fellowship, participants will hone their knowledge, skills, and practices around family engagement, equity, design thinking, and strategic planning so that their programs and organizations build lasting impact for students and families.
Applicants are encouraged to apply in collaborative three-member teams. Flamboyan Foundation will select up to five teams or fifteen participants. Flamboyan will cover 75 percent of the cost of the twelve-month fellowship, and teams are expected to contribute the remaining $4,000/team. Scholarships are available on a limited basis.
What do participants get out of the National Family Engagement Fellowship?
~ Build knowledge and skills, particularly around family engagement planning. The fellowship is designed to build participants’ knowledge of family engagement, strategic planning, equity, and design thinking.
~ Conduct in-depth analysis and contextualized pilots. Within the fellowship, participants will conduct a landscape assessment of their context to crystallize their understanding of the challenges and barriers within current family engagement approaches in their communities. Subsequently and within their fellowship year, participants will design and implement short-cycle projects and pilots.
~ Develop a sustainable, organizational approach for family engagement practice. Using the knowledge and capacity gained from the short-cycle projects and pilots, fellows will create a long-term strategy for planning, implementation, and continuous improvement.
~ Learn from and contribute to a network of family engagement practitioners. Fellows will actively participate in a learning community during their fellowship year and beyond–sharing best practices and informing their own practice in effective family engagement.
What level of commitment is required?
Participants must:
~ Build a collaborative three-person team, all of whom will participate for all sessions
~ Build and engage with a broader set of stakeholders within their geography
~ Conduct a landscape assessment to ground their work
~ Design and implement short-cycle projects and pilots
~ Chart a path forward to sustain family engagement as a key organization priority
~ Actively engage and support fellow participants
~ Travel four times during the fellowship year
What is the application process?
~ Applications are no longer being accepted. For more information about the fellowship, please email scohen@flamboyanfoundation.org.