Does family engagement work?
The Family Engagement Partnership Student Outcome Evaluation, a study conducted by the Johns Hopkins University School of Education, links improvements in the performance of D.C. public elementary school students with Flamboyan’s Family Engagement Partnership (FEP).
The study covered 12 D.C. public elementary schools and more than 4,000 students in the 2013-14 school year. What we learned:
- Students whose families received a home visit, one of the core strategies in the FEP, had 24 percent fewer absences than similar students whose families did not receive a visit.
- These same students also were more likely to read at or above grade level compared to similar students who did not receive a home visit.
These findings are a step forward in understanding the potential for improving student academic outcomes through meaningful teacher and family collaboration.
Read the full report here: FEP Student Outcome Evaluation.
Read Washington Post coverage here: Home visiting linked to lower school truancy and better reading outcomes
JHU FEP Student Outcome Evaluation Announcement Photo Gallery
- Room View of JHU Flamboyan FEP Student Outcomes Evaluation Announcement
- Flamboyan Staffer, Emily Schulman with Parent Trainer, Keesha Cox
- Daniela Anello, DC Bilingual Principal discusses family engagement
- Flamboyan FEP Coach Robert Crosby discusses family engagement
- Scott Cartland, Principal at Wheatley Education Campus, discusses how family engagement impacts his school
- Flamboyan Parent Trainer, Sabrina Bishop, awaiting the panelists discussion
- Scott Cartland delivers the welcome to event guests
- Flamboyan President Kristin Ehrgood welcomes audience to the evaluation announcement
- Event presenters attentive to remarks on Flamboyan family engagement work in D.C.
- Flamboyan President, Kristin Ehrgood, delivers introduction to evaluation announcment
- Kristin Ehrgood discusses the five roles families play in their child’s academic success
- JHU Researcher, Steve Sheldon, begins his presentation on the evaluation
- Researcher Steve Sheldon on the importance of family engagement between teachers and families
- Researcher Steve Sheldon shares findings from the evaluation
- Kristin Ehrgood introduces the panelists
- Panelists left to right: Daniela Anello (charter principal), Heather Hairston (DCPS principal), Constance “CJ” Thayer (teacher), Sabrina Bishop (parent)
- Panelist CJ Thayer discusses home visits from the teacher perspective