Academic Parent-Teacher Teams (APTT) is a model for parent-teacher communication about student performance and parents’ roles in supporting achievement. Started in the Creighton School District of Arizona, where 65% of parents have less than an 8th grade education, APTT was designed in response to parents’ feedback that they wanted to be involved in their child’s education in meaningful ways that contributed to their child’s success.
The APTT model developed in Arizona is now available to schools in the District of Columbia through the Flamboyan Foundation. Schools implementing APTT through Flamboyan are known as Family Engagement Partner Schools.
During APTT meetings, teachers work with families to:
- Discuss foundational grade-level skills
- Review students’ progress on these skills
- Model activities parents can use at home to support mastery
- Set interim goals for each student’s progress
In School Year 2016-17, Flamboyan is partnering with 40 schools, inclusive of District of Columbia Public Schools and Public Charter Schools.