Flamboyan Foundation is excited to announce we are recruiting Flamboyan trainers! In the role of “Flamboyan trainer,” teachers share their family engagement experiences and facilitate family engagement trainings. A Flamboyan trainer is a part-time paid position, and a great fit for teachers who:
- –Implement effective family engagement strategies in their classroom;
- –Are looking for professional development opportunities in adult facilitation; and
- –Want to help other teachers from across D.C. learn about effective family engagement.
If you’re interested, find more information along with our application for Flamboyan trainer here. The application closes on Monday, March 14, 2016, but we encourage you to apply early!
Know another teacher who would be a great fit? Please fill out this recommendation form by Monday, February 22, 2016, with their contact information and we will contact the candidate directly.
Thank you!