Flamboyan Foundation will join more than 1200 top-level leaders and experts at the Institute of Educational Leadership (IEL) National Family and Community Engagement Conference to deliver a workshop that spotlights Flamboyan’s National Family Engagement Fellowship strategy, process, and learnings. The presentation will provide attendees with best practices to address family engagement needs on a District and systemic level.
Participants from across the country, and abroad, attend the annual event to explore and immerse themselves in evidenced-based family-school-community partnership work that improves student outcomes. Diana Suarez, Flamboyan’s Managing Director of Training and Knowledge Management, will lead the dynamic workshop presentation, which will be co-facilitated by Flamboyan’s National Family Engagement fellows Landon Mascareñaz and Yoni Geffen from Denver, and Molly Sehring from Nashville. By the conclusion of the workshop, attendees will understand the structure of the fellowship and have key takeaways from the landscape assessments and pilot programs conducted by fellows. The Denver team will take a deep-dive into their findings, particularly those that relate to state policy and practice, while the Nashville fellows will focus on District strategy. Suarez will also take participants through lessons from the inaugural fellowship, sharing how the learnings will inform Flamboyan’s long-term national strategy.
“The National Fellowship was focused on three strands of learning,” said Suarez. “As a result, we have deepened our understanding in family engagement, race and equity, and strategic planning as the target areas that will drive our work to include parents as partners in every child’s academic success across the country.”
The theme of this year’s IEL conference, Engaging Families: Transformational Moments, Sustainable Practices, will tap into many knowledge areas that align with Flamboyan’s family engagement work – relationship building and trust, parent leadership, advocacy and community organizing, equity, and integrated, systemic approaches.