Flamboyan Foundation Seeks School Applicants for Family Engagement Partnership

For nearly 10 years, Flamboyan has worked with schools across Washington, D.C. to implement effective family engagement strategies designed to build teacher and leader capacity in engaging families as partners in their child’s education.

Today, 46 schools in Washington, D.C. are part of the Family Engagement Partnership (FEP). Teachers and leaders at partner schools learn and practice highly effective family engagement strategies that improve student learning, build relationships among teachers and families, and address systems of inequity that hinder academic progress.

With seven schools graduating from the partnership to sustain family engagement beyond Flamboyan’s influence, Flamboyan is accepting applications from DCPS and DC Charter elementary, middle, and education campus schools for the Family Engagement Partnership.



Through this partnership, Flamboyan will support schools to develop and sustain responsive family engagement strategies that drive positive outcomes for schools, educators, families, and students. All DCPS and Charter school leaders who want to prioritize family engagement as a school improvement strategy, ultimately building a sustainable school culture where families and teachers collaborate deeply and meaningfully with one another, are encouraged to apply by Friday, April 6, 2018 by 5:00 p.m.



To be considered, the applying principal should attend an information session to learn more about the partnership and to ask questions about the process for implementing and assessing this work. The principal is welcome to bring other key school staff to the information session.



All online applications and supplemental materials should be completed by school principals and are due by Friday, April 6, 2018 by 5:00 p.m.

For more information about the Family Engagement Partnership and/or the application, contact Emily VanHouten at evanhouten@flamboyanfoundation.org or 202-808-2767.



The application for the Family Engagement Partnership is now closed.