Flamboyan Foundation Joins Parent Teacher Home Visit Project for 10th Annual National Gathering
Flamboyan to Facilitate Dynamic Family Engagement Workshops
The Parent Teacher Home Visits National Gathering, hosted by the Parent Teacher Home Visit Project (PTHVP), kicks off today and brings together home visit pioneers from across the country to Washington, D.C. Teachers, administrators, community leaders, parents, and students will share best practices during a peer-led opportunity for reflection, inspiration, refining, and resource development. With a focus on strategies, data, and resources, the three-day conference will feature plenary sessions and breakout workshops, two of which are co-facilitated by Flamboyan Foundation staff.
Anita Drever, PhD., Flamboyan’s Managing Director of Evaluation and Learning will co-facilitate the “PTHVP National Evaluation: Tools Everyone Can Use” workshop. During the interactive session, Anita will announce the upcoming national evaluation led by Flamboyan and PTHVP and take a closer look at the analysis of four home visiting initiatives, including Flamboyan’s family engagement work in DC. Anita and the co-facilitators will open up the floor to the audience, challenging them to brainstorm next steps and strategies for strengthening the evidence base for the field. Jacqueline Pratt-Tuke, Flamboyan’s Senior Director of Secondary Partnerships, will co-facilitate a workshop dedicated to secondary school home visits under the PTHVP model and dive into the ways in which families can play age appropriate roles.
Flamboyan’s president Kristin Ehrgood will also be in attendance to welcome the audience to Washington, D.C. The mid-Atlantic is one of the fastest growing Parent Teacher Home Visit regions in the US. In fact, with strong leadership from DCPS and many public charter schools working in concert with Flamboyan, Washington, D.C. is leading the nation in family engagement. Last school year, DC teachers conducted 13,000 relationship-building home visits.
In 2011, Flamboyan launched the Family Engagement Partnership (FEP), an initiative that improves student outcomes by transforming the ways in which teachers and families collaborate. Today, Flamboyan partners with 40 schools in D.C., all of which are part of the FEP. Working closely with teachers, school leaders, and whole schools, Flamboyan builds their mindsets and capacity to include parents as partners in their child’s academic success. Home visits, a core family engagement strategy in the FEP and modeled after the PTHVP, continue to be a tool that partner schools use to establish mutually respectful relationships among teachers and families.
Susan Stevenson, former Executive Director of Flamboyan in Washington, D.C., will receive the Jocelyn Graves Award during the convening. During her tenure at Flamboyan, Susan worked to help educators and whole schools in DC lead the charge in family engagement to accelerate student learning.
Be sure to follow us on Twitter @FlamboyanDC to get real-time updates from the workshops featuring Anita and Jacqueline during our live tweet segments.