Flamboyan Foundation works alongside nine public charter schools that are part of its Family Engagement Partnership (FEP) and the Center City Public Charter School network, a learning partner working in concert with Flamboyan to implement effective family engagement strategies on its six campuses. Out of 13 public charter schools that Flamboyan supports, more than half were ranked ‘Tier 1’ and named ‘top-performing’ by the D.C. Public Charter School Board (D.C. PCSB).
Flamboyan helps educators at these top-performing public charter schools and the other schools within the FEP to engage families as partners to accelerate student learning and improve student outcomes. D.C. PCSB ranked schools based on a number of factors including re-enrollment, attendance, and achievement and growth on standardized tests and assessments.
As a main component of the FEP, each school is designated a Flamboyan Coach, a thought-partner who works with the school’s Family Engagement Leadership Team (FELT). Several times a month, they come together to learn and implement effective family engagement strategies that link to some of the factors that the D.C. PCSB evaluates, particularly attendance.
Below, Coaches recognize each Tier 1 school’s commitment to family engagement and its unique approach to the work.
“The Center City network has worked to fully integrate family engagement into the culture of their entire network by ensuring teachers and leaders at all six campuses are aligned in high quality family engagement practices. Center City recognizes and prioritizes time and resources for family engagement because of the deep belief that partnerships with families supports their students to be more successful. We are excited to continue to work alongside the Center City network to support their family engagement efforts.” Robert Crosby, Center City PCS network Coach
“DC Bilingual (DCB) has been incredibly innovative in the implementation of family engagement practices. Last school year, DCB piloted Family Listening Sessions, conducting interviews with families to learn about their experiences and draw feedback about how to improve family engagement at DCB. DC Bilingual has also innovated their practice by hosting a Family Engagement Expo where families create and receive data-driven activities to support their students with making improvements in all content areas.” Tywanna Lesley, DC Bilingual PCS Coach
“E.L. Haynes is new to the Family Engagement Partnership (FEP), but has made incredible progress with building relationships with families. The Family Engagement Leadership Team (FELT) has prioritized relationship building and academic partnering at E.L. Haynes by communicating a strong, inspiring vision and clear expectations related to family engagement. They have also been successful in celebrating and motivating their teachers to reach out to families, resulting in staff demonstrating the importance of partnering with families to support and improve student academic outcomes. For example, in addition to hosting APTT meetings, the staff hold Parent Teacher Conferences at the beginning of the year to continue to build one-on-one relationships with families.” Tywanna Lesley, E.L. Haynes PCS (elementary school) Coach
“Mundo Verde has worked to develop comprehensive family engagement and communication strategies that are core to creating a welcoming and engaging climate that embraces linguistic and cultural differences. Every teacher and school leader has access to learning opportunities that expand their knowledge of students’ families’ culture, backgrounds, and values. As a result of being informed about the dynamics of families, the school provides translators, child care, scheduling, and other supports to better accommodate families so that they can seamlessly attend and be engaged in school functions year-round.” John LaRue, Mundo Verde Bilingual PCS Coach
“Now it its sixth year of the Family Engagement Partnership (FEP), E.W. Stokes PCS has deeply institutionalized family engagement practices in their school community. Students in all grade levels receive a home visit at the start of the year, and families are engaged as academic partners through goal-setting parent teacher conferences and/or APTT meetings throughout the school year. Teachers regularly use positive ongoing communication to help continuously keep families informed about their child’s progress. Family engagement has truly become embedded in the fabric of their school’s culture.” Emily VanHouten, E.W. Stokes PCS Coach
Flamboyan joins in congratulating these Tier 1 schools, and recognizes the commitment they’ve made to partner with families and impact student academic achievement.