Request for Proposals: Middle School Family Engagement Partnership 2015-16

March 31, 2015 12:34 PM
by / Topics: Improving Family Engagement

Flamboyan Foundation is excited to announce the opportunity for DCPS middle schools to participate in the Middle School Family Engagement Partnership. Through this partnership, Flamboyan Foundation will support middle schools to engage families using research-proven strategies, including home visits to build relationships, highly effective Back to School Nights, and gradebooks to better share actionable information with families about student progress.

Flamboyan Foundation invites DCPS middle schools to apply for this partnership. Partner schools will receive intensive support in the form of training, resources, and coaching to improve family engagement as well as up to $30,000 to fund the implementation of effective family engagement practices. Applications for the Middle School Family Engagement Partnership are due by 5:00 p.m. on Friday, April 24, 2015. If you have further questions, please contact Jacqueline Tuke at or (202) 808-2761.

Read the full Request for Proposals here: Middle School Family Engagement Partnerships for 2015-2016